Monday, March 26, 2012

Host Home Testimonies

Recently a group of families in Dallas hosted the His Little Feet children and staff in their homes. Below a couple of the families share about their experience hosting His Little Feet:

“Enthusiasm ruled! No matter what they were doing, the children were excited! And they always thanked God...for food, school, for beautiful days to play outside. Edwin and Tariku speak different languages, yet all little boys can come together through God (and at my house, also through Superman or Tom & Jerry!).  And they were so good with my son, Jackson (16 months).  They were so expressive and excited when they would talk or tell stories that you could see Jackson light up inside.  I believe that these little boys’ point of view and approach to the world is amazing and I hope to instill that in my son.  They weren't stingy, tech-focused, or ‘all about me.’  They were the example of being truly thankful.”

 “I was most touched by the spirit of God when Eyob said grace before one of the meals and prayed for our family. Amazing. I think this whole experience has helped our family to slow down a little and savor our simple pleasures, like time together and playing in the backyard. I expect that in the long-term, this experience will leave a lasting impression especially with my younger son, who spent quite a bit of time with the boys and is adopted himself.”

“We didn't really know what to expect, but were pleasantly surprised at our children’s emotional involvement with us and HLF.  They were most respectful and loving.  No morning or evening went without their hugs and ‘thank yous’ for their time with us.” 

To all our amazing host homes: thank you so much for giving of your time, homes, and most importantly, love to the His Little Feet choir. We thank God for you!!