Monday, January 23, 2012

Simple Faith

In the past week, the His Little Feet team has been rejoicing over 10-year-old Tsion from Ethiopia and her decision to follow Christ with her whole heart. Auntie Brooke was with her to guide her through the Word and teach her about what giving her life to Christ means.

A few days later Tsion wanted to tell another auntie about the decision she had made for Jesus, but was struggling to find the words in her newly-learned, limited English vocabulary. Finally, as if she was gearing herself up for a big endeavor, she said, “Ok. One, two, three- Jesus my heart come!”

Her news was received by this auntie (and all of her caregivers here) with such joy and wonder at the simplicity of a child’s understanding and expression of the Gospel. God truly has revealed Himself to the least of these, including children and those vulnerable around the world.

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”- Jesus (Mark 10:14)