Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Hearts for the Lord - Host Home Reflections from Uncle Ed

"I had never heard of His Little Feet until a week before we had a couple of His Little Feet kids stay with us.  A friend of mine who had just adopted a little boy from Rwanda let me know that some kids from a kids' choir made up of primarily orphans needed a place to stay while in Nashville recording and preparing for a tour. 

I was completely humbled to have Amelework from Ethiopia, and Gracia from Honduras stay with us along with their staff member, Brooke.  These two little girls were just precious and clearly had hearts for the Lord. These girls had only been in America a couple of weeks and literally knew very little English, but they were so vibrant and it was a joy to communicate through signs and most of all to sing together at night as music just has the ability to transcend the language barrier. 

It was amazing to me that these little girls were working hard all day in the studio then had the stamina to interact with us at night. 

We were blessed to spend an evening with Mike and Christa (Hahn) and it became so clear why God has His hands on His Little Feet - this couple is all about serving Him and taking the Word seriously by putting into action the call to care for orphans on a deep level. I praise God for their commitment to excellent music, but most of all for their clear love for Jesus and these amazing children."

Uncle Ed
Host Home (TN)

Note from His Little Feet: Thank you Uncle Ed, Auntie Carrie and family for blessing our team!  We look forward to seeing you next time we are in town!  Amelework, Gracia and Auntie Brooke send their love and greetings.  Merry Christmas!