Monday, September 12, 2011

I Will Sing Praise!

All of us have burdens in our lives, so it is no surprise that orphaned and vulnerable children feel them as well. These are children who have lost their families, their safety, and their hope of a future; children who do not know where their next meal will come from; children who don’t have someone telling them they are loved every night.

Children from these difficult circumstances often have many things weighing on them. But the truth of Jesus' life, death and resurrection can lift those burdens away. During the His Little Feet Children’s Choir Tour and Life Training Academy, we strive to instill this hope and peace in children and allow them to experience the love of Jesus. In this, these children can find true rest from the burdens of this world.

Ten-year-old Falencia from Haiti, who was part of the 2010-2011 His Little Feet Children’s Choir, shares about her experiences while a part of the His Little Feet tour- what she liked to do when she was here and what she learned along the way:

My name is Falencia. I loved coming to America to be a part of His Little Feet. I liked days off with my host family because we did a lot of fun things. I really liked going bowling, skating, and to Incredible Pizza. My favorite song in the concert was ‘Today is the Day.’ I liked singing for Jesus in concerts because God loved it when I did. My favorite state is Tennessee because I have a sponsor that lives there. This past year I learned how to talk French well. I also read 'Pilgrim’s Progress'. The book was about a man that had a burden on his back. He went to the cross to get his burden off. The burden was his past sin. Jesus made the burden get off. Psalm 101 is my favorite Bible chapter.”

Psalm 101:1 says, “I will sing of your love and justice; to you, O LORD, I will sing praise” (NIV).

What an amazing testimony from this little girl, who has seen Jesus remove burdens from her life and bring her to a place of love and peace.

This serves as a reminder for all of us that Jesus died to take the weight of sin, death and sorrow off our shoulders. We praise Him for what He has done, and we praise the Lord for the work He is doing in children just like Falencia.